Another week has bit the dust! Can you believe it? Time is seriously so wacky. Well yesterday we had the opportunity to have a morning devotional from Elder Oaks! Long time no see right? But it was SO great. He just came into our theater/meeting room and just shared a quick message about how we don't and won't have all the answers, but we have enough answers. How we are able to answer the big questions (fundamentals) but not always the little questions, and those little questions are the ones that the Anti's usually like to focus on. But those little questions won't matter to their testimonies if they just have faith. (Alma 32:21) That's like my favorite scripture, especially with the Anti's! We get A LOT of anti's, especially on chat. We spend about 1/2 our day on the square, and about 4 hours each day online teaching. But after we have called all of our investigators we're on chat, and we get a lot of Anti's on there trying to waver our testimony. Today in TC (teaching center, aka online teaching) we have camera crews in there for some reason... so watch out for me on byu tv or something! haha
So if you know me at all... I am scared to DEATH of talking to people on the phone. I always thought, if someone really wants to talk to me they'll text me. But that's not how things work here at the Square... I have to be on the phone with people I've never met before for like 4 hours!! Uhh nightmare factory! I always say like 4 prayers before each phone call because 1, I want to prolong the call and 2, I always get calmer after each prayer. And hey! It works! I now have a man who I met a week ago, Kennedy, getting baptized in 3 weeks! Wahoo! He is so prepared and he has helped me grow as a missionary so much. When I invited him to be baptized, it was a member present lesson, so we do a 3 way phone call. And my companion is always teaching Spanish lessons so I'm usually on the phone teaching by myself, but this time I had Jeff with me! Jeff is a 23 year old RM at BYU, and he's just a miracle. He is a golden member present, he is so excited to share this message with others and you can tell how much love he has for each of our investigators! Go Jeff! So since sister Gudiel and I both teach separately in the TC, we usually get double the lessons! And we get a TON of referrals, last week our standard of excellence for referrals was 4 and we got 16... This last week was a good week.
"We are not building the temple, but the Lord is building us." That's exactly how I feel out on the mission! I personally am not building the kingdom of God, but God is building me. I have seen how much I need to change in my life and I am so grateful I have the opportunity to change and be better! I have definitely seen my weaknesses come out over my mission. I have seen how I have been so prideful and content with who I was. But that's not who I want to be, and I know that I can be the future wife, mother, friend and role model that I desire to be through the atonement of Jesus Christ. Because of the Atonement, I have the ability to change, and be better, and be the person that I want to be! This made me think of one of my favorite Mormon Messages, The Will of God... pages/mormon-messages
The atonement is my most treasured blessings, and I didn't even realize it until I got here on my mission and am teaching others about the blessings of the atonement. Take a minute and reflect on what the atonement means to you personally! What I love to do here on my mission is write a letter from the future RM Gretchen to current Gretchen, my favorite was when I wrote about the atonement and how RM Gretchen utilized it through her mission. It really makes it all seem possible to become who I want to be, and it helps me understand how I can become her.
I know that this Gospel is real, and that it truly was restored through the prophet Joseph Smith. I know I am here at Temple Square for a purpose, that my call was inspired of God. God has much bigger things in store for me than I could ever imagine, and as I live according to His will, I will be blessed beyond measure. I am so blessed to have a knowledge of and a testimony of the Plan of Salvation, I know that God has amazing things in store for each and everyone of us as we live faithful, righteous lives, trying continually to do good and seek the kingdom of God! I know that we each can have personal revelation to receive testimony of these things!
Love you all and wish you the best in the week to come!
-Sister Brock