Another glorious week at Temple Square has come and gone, can you believe it? This was definitely a very exciting and heartbreaking week. Last P-day we ended up emailing really late because one of my friends, Sister McBride, got realllly sick. She has a birth defect with her Kidneys and was having major problems. So we took her to the doctor and she got drugged up. So we took her to the Urologist on Wednesday and she got even more medicine! And set up an appointment for yesterday to get surgery to figure out what it is exactly. Well they found it! And unfortunately she has to go home :( She has to have 2 more major surgery and it will take 4-5 months of recovery. She is welcome to come back afterwards though President said! She is keeping a positive attitude about it and knows that everything has a purpose. So keep Sister McBride in your prayers!
I don't know if anyone can really comprehend how many Asians come to Temple Square... it literally amazes me every time a bus pulls up. And strangely, I'm one of the only blonde's here. So they automatically flock to me and take a million pictures with me. So I try to go inside to TC when I see the buses pull up. A bunch of the Sisters here from other countries think I look like Barbie, because I'm one of the only blonde girls they've ever seen. Weird!
So I just HAD to add this in. While on exchanges with Sister Marsh, we were at lunch at the City Creek food court, and guess who walks in... CARA VAN BROCKLIN!! Only my fashion icon! She's a modest fashion blogger that I'm absolutely obsessed with. She's just as beautiful in person too. I went and talked to her and she said "You are just the cutest sister missionary! I wish I would have gone on a mission." So basically she wants to be me right? Well anyway, check that off my bucket list. Also, one of the 70 bought us dinner the other day! That was cool too.
So this past week I met a wonderful man named Amir! He was a referral transferred to me because they couldn't get a hold of him. Well I got a hold on him! And he's getting BAPTIZED! I can't tell you how much I love this guy. His faithfulness and diligence is inspiring to me! Amir is from Iran, and we are not allowed to teach people from Iran (that I unfortunately found out after teaching this guy Reza 3 lessons, and he was so ready to be baptized... well he can't) but he moved to Salt Lake City just a few years ago! He is so prepared by the Lord. I called him and it was difficult to understand each other so he wanted to come to the Square. So he came and I taught him on Sunday the Doctrine of Christ, found in my favorite chapter 2nd Nephi 31, and as I was inviting him to be baptized he sorta yelled "I want to be BAPTIZED!" It was so great! He is counting down the days until his baptism onDecember 7th. He also lives locally so we can go! We have 2 other local baptisms coming up. For Morgan and Kennedy! We currently have 17 people with baptismal dates. And 3 of them are here in Salt Lake! Yahoo!
This last weekend was our transfer's "Spanish Marathon" where all the Spanish Sisters call ALL of their referrals and teach them. So I was on exchanges a lot this weekend. But exchanges are the best! It's so fun to learn different teaching techniques. I went with my twin, sister Marsh. Sister Gudiel invited 13 people to be baptized and they all said yes! So we're working on dates with them now. I can't tell you how many people are prepared for the gospel. Every day I meet someone prepared, and I always think that they are like a fake investigator. How can someone be this prepared and willing to get baptized? Well, the Lord can work miracles. And I've seen many of them on my mission thus far!
Today is a very special and fun day! First off, we got to sleep in until 8!!! I definitely woke up with the biggest smile yet on my face! We have had early morning meetings and fireside rehearsals everyday this week so we have had to get up at like 5 every morning this past week Believe me, it's been tough. I'm a girl who loves my sleep. So it was amazing that President let up sleep until 8 this morning! Then we have an all day P-day because of our Fireside concert tonight! It is so great, I hope everyone can make it! Some of my investigators are coming, Amir is so excited! If you are coming, make sure to sit on the right side so you can see me!
So my spiritual experience of the week happened simply in my personal study. My favorite time! The scriptures truly come alive as you immerse yourself in them. I truly believe that the scriptures were written for the people in our time. But they were written in such a way, that only those who truly desire to seek God's will and word will fully understand them. Well back to my spiritual experience: I was reading in Mosiah 4:16-22, and this is some of what I wrote in my study journal..... "Although these verses are talking about giving to the poor and needy, I think it can also be related to sharing the Gospel. We have been given SO much! Knowledge, peace, hope, love, comfort, and countless blessings. We are 'rich' with/of these things. How selfish of us to keep it to ourselves? Think about how many 'poor' people there are in the world, just 'begging' for these blessings that we are so rich with! God prepares hearts. And there are beggars out there, just waiting for the 'rich' to share of their goodness; the Gospel of Jesus Christ." I have definitely taken the Gospel for granted in my life. I have always known why I'm here on Earth, where I came from, and where I'm going! But SO many people don't know. We have the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have the ONLY way to life eternal. This life means NOTHING if it wasn't for eternal life, so why feel embarrassed or scared about sharing the Gospel? Because truly this is the only thing that matters in this world. What we do in this life, determines where we are in the life to come. So choose wisely my friends. Choose the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in all things, because that is what is going to bring you eternal happiness!
My testimony on my mission had magnified 100 fold! A mission was the best decision I have ever made. Taking this time to focus completely on the Gospel of Jesus Christ has helped me understand only slightly how important it is. I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the way to eternal happiness. I know that it changes lives! I have seen it first hand, in my investigators and most importantly myself. No matter if we are a member, missionary, non-member, apostle, etc. We ALL still have to come unto Christ! No one is perfect, not even the prophet! Every single one of us needs the Atonement of Jesus Christ. And the only way we can fully enjoy the blessings of the atonement is through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
So this week, I invite each of you to rededicate yourself to do the things that will help you more fully come unto Christ! God is real. The atonement is real. And missions really do changes lives; especially mine.
I love you all so much! Hope you have a great week :)
Much love,
Sister Brock
p.s. Cindy, is there any way I could get a gold YW necklace too? I can buy it! And I never got my bee from when I did my honor bee.
p.s.s. Alli can you tell Carly I'm sad I missed her! But that I hope to see her before she leaves to Russia!
p.s.s.s Our new mission President got announced! President Poulson! (sp?) He sounds AWESOME! He speaks Mandarin, so all the asian sisters are excited. And he served as a Mission President in the South Africa, Johannesburg mission! I was excited about that part. Angela, do your parents know him? And Angela, I MISS YOU! I'm going to write you today.

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